Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear Government, I heart you!

Dear Government, I heart you!
I thought I would do something constructive and channel my ever-growing mountain of destruction..I mean frustration into writing this. Soooo I have finally finished high school. [APPLAUSE] What’s my next step? [THINKS] um..I don’t walk so how can I take a step?? [THINKS] Hello people, this thing I am sitting in, is referred to as a wheelchair. Imagine that! This is not one of my acting gigs, this is the REAL DEAL! [OOH, AHH]
Though seriously people, my next step is rather complicated. My next is to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. I know I can write, act and model. The issue is I need assistance on a daily basis. I do have support workers that come every day however they are only allowed to help me with my personal care. My personal care includes activities like; feeding, dressing and bathing. They aren’t allowed to assist me with activities out in the community. I have contacted organizations all across Ontario and they all say that they can’t help me. So what, you expect me to do nothing for the rest of my life?
As a Canadian citizen, I am entitled to the right to Life, Liberty and Security of the person; guaranteed in Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. How is my right to Life, Liberty and Security being honoured when I am not receiving the assistance I require to get out of my house and live my life?
Much Love!

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