Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Morning Thought

As some of you may know, I have Cerebral Palsy, which makes my life pretty interesting at times. I have to be adaptable, flexible and innovative. This is not always easy, especially when it feels like life is attacking you from every angle. I am in pain 90% of the time. I do my best to remain positive and persevere though it can get overwhelming.

For example, Wednesday, I stayed home from school because I was extremely sore and having a lot of spasms. My housemate came down that morning to convince me to go to school.

She along with everyone else, including myself, wants me to succeed in life and finish up my last year of high school.

My housemate said some things that led to me feeling bad about being in pain. Not that she was being rude or intentionally trying to make me feel bad, though it reminded me of one of my characteristics that I dislike.

My intuition kicked in and I thought to myself "this is silly". Beating myself up over the fact that I cannot seem to overcome the challenges that arise in my life. Doing this only creates more negativity and I don't end up accomplishing what I want.

I have come to see that the key is to accept that struggles are a crucial part of life. Without them we would not grow, so by accepting our adversities, we learn to not dwell on them, leaving us space to be and do what we love.

Peace and Love!

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