Friday, August 6, 2010


“I am fulfilling my destiny and am living my dreams”

“My wish is my command”
The law of attraction says that whatever you focus on, you are consciously and/or unconsciously calling more of it into your life. I am becoming more and more mindful of what I focus on every day. There are two main keys to manifesting what you want, they are intent and emotion. It isn’t enough to intellectually focus on what you want to attract. For example, let’s say that you want to attract the love of your life. You know all about how the law of attraction works, so you’re ready to manifest your love, right? Well if you are emoting the feeling of the lack of a significant other in your life, then you’ll only receive more of what you are lacking.
I have made the conscious decision to change my thoughts in order to manifest what I want. I stepped away from my frustration and fear and I am now in contact with people who will help me to find the assistance I have been looking for. With this assistance, I’ll be able to go to my auditions, get out of the house and live the life I want to live. As I witness the results of my decision, it gives me hope. These results strengthen my belief in myself, empowering me to continue on this path and produce more great results. For instance, yesterday morning, my mum found me an ad for a real good deal on a Macbook that I really want and can just afford. I get one more paycheck before the deal ends, so I’ll wait for my next cheque. Then last night at supper, my sister was reading the newspaper and found an article about a video making contest that she saved for me. I am seriously thinking about entering the contest. The goal is to make videos that will encourage young people to vote in the upcoming election.
There is one more thing that I want to mention before I end this entry. I was watching a clip from Our Wish Is Our Command and they had a really good point. One of the hosts said; when you are manifesting what you want, never place a time limit on it. It just creates unnecessary pressure on you. So from now on, I will not put a time limit on any more of my manifestations.
P.S. This time my happiness comes from me and not anyone else. J

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